All in Tony Sutherland

Bipolar Leadership

I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t over-promised, under-delivered, or had isolated moments of inconsistency at some point their leadership. All leaders experience this from time to time. However, if we develop a regular pattern of in-congruency, there will be a steady decline in trust, inevitably leading to a disconnect with people. Read more…

Top 5 Daily Starters

Often, leaders wake up and push through the morning without some sort of routine to guide them. The best leadership practices include a purposeful morning regimen to set the tone for the day. I have a simple routine that I have followed for many years that has evolved over time. It doesn't have to be lengthy or arduous. Read More…

Essential Attitudes

After three decades of leadership, I’m still working on my attitude. One would think I had arrived, yet the opposite is true. Navigating the shifting tides in leadership requires a stable and steady outlook. Consistency! Whatever stage or season of leadership you find yourself in, you will need to carry the following four essential attitudes. Read More…

Behavioral Leadership

Would you follow your own leadership? What distinctive qualities and specific practices stand out in your life that would attract others to lead with you? This is something to seriously consider. Leaders must exemplify strong mindsets and distinctive behaviors that set them apart. Here are a few that rise to the top for me. Read More…

Empowering Talk

Empowering people is high on the list of expectations for leaders. People look to us for inspiration, insight, and instruction (three big “I’s” of leadership). the Apostle Paul prayed that God would give him a “door of utterance” (Colossians 4:3). This could be referred to as opportunities to speak into (influence) someone’s life. Read More…

A Coaching Culture

Leaders love teachable people: those who absorb our advice and willingly take steps to grow. However, this doesn’t always exist in leadership models. But what if we could perpetuate a teachable and coachable culture? It’s possible. However, when we give up on people, we create a disconnect. Thus, they remain closed to mentorship. Read More…

Cancelling Cancel Culture

Too often, leaders cancel people when they fail. If someone doesn’t get it right the first time, to avoid public embarrassment, they’re not allowed to try again. This is leadership cancel culture. It’s time to cancel cancel culture. Instead, we need a coaching-culture. One roots out the person, while the other pulls out their potential. Read More…

Leadership Leftovers

Many leaders feel trapped in an endless cycle of the unhealthy need to please people. God wants you to live and lead with your best self. Yet, if you keep letting people steel a piece of your life, you’ll only have leadership leftovers to offer. Start making the turn and taking steps toward letting go of the destructive need to please people. Read More…

People-pleaser Woes

The fastest way to have a mental breakdown is trying to please everyone. Chinese Philosopher, Lao Tzu, said, “If you always care about what people think, you’ll always be their prisoner.” Does this describe you? Are you a people-pleaser? If you said, “No,” let’s see if it’s true. Here are 10 classic signs you might be a people pleaser. Read More…

The Five Becomes

Leadership is about becoming. It involves a total commitment to personal development and discovery. There will be plateaus to be sure, but we can never settle for permanence. You must constantly prepare for change. Here are five important “becomes” that leaders must take into account it they want to take the journey of leadership. Read More…