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The Five Becomes

The Five Becomes

Leadership is about becoming. It involves a total commitment to personal development and discovery. There will be plateaus to be sure, but we can never settle for permanence. You must constantly prepare for growth and change. Here are five important “becomes” that leaders must take into account if they want to take the journey of leadership.

Become a dreamer.

Every great leader starts as a dreamer. A dream is not something you see in your sleep. It’s something that won’t let you sleep. The minute you stop dreaming is the moment you stop living. Dreaming is what differentiates those leaders who truly live and lead from those who merely exist and wander. All throughout history and scripture, great men and women saw a life that was better for others, and so they set off to accomplish what seemed impossible to others. They were ridiculed, mocked, and often violently opposed. Yet, they forged ahead. Some become nervous when they see you pursuing your dream because you’re doing what they’re afraid to do. Deep inside, they know you will fulfill what you envision. Regardless, don’t stop believing and dreaming. It is what will inspire and drive you forward in your leadership.

Become determined.

Nothing works more than good-old-fashioned determination. It is the one thing that will keep you going when nothing seems to be working in your favor. I try to encourage leaders to wake up each morning with determination so they can go to sleep each night with some sense of satisfaction; the satisfaction that they tried and worked hard at it. Walking in your dream involves the good, bad, and in-between. When we dream, we normally don’t envision the adversity part. Yet, running after your dream includes hurdling over the obstacles. In order for an airplane to achieve lift off, it must point its nose directly into the resistance of the wind. Life will often stump you, but it doesn’t have to stop you. In fact, it can even help elevate you. Be certain, you won’t always feel motivated, but you must keep moving.

Become disciplined.

Discipline is doing what is necessary over and over again. Jim Rohn says, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” You will not feel the exhilaration of accomplishment unless you are willing to endure the pain of discipline. This is what separates dreamers from doers. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” When you know what you really want, you will do whatever it takes. No one enjoys the strain of discipline, but it is necessary for growth (Hebrews 12:11). Olympians know if they’re not willing to embrace the struggle they will never wear the medal. It’s a simple principle really. You can either choose to suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret. For a successful leader, discipline will be an ever-present companion.

Become an influencer.

Leadership is influence, plain and simple. If you look behind you and no one is following you, you’re not leading, you’re just going on a long lonely walk. Carl Sagan once said, “We’re not who we say we are, we’re not who we want to be. We are the sum of the influence and impact that we have on others.” A leader’s job is to help to shape the beliefs and behaviors of others. There are three basic ways to influence people: believe in them, build them, and back them. People need to know that you’re really for them. Also, you must allow others to freely contribute their ideas to the vision. Give them real ownership. Being a leader doesn’t mean you always have to lead. Give the reigns to others. People support what they create. Reward and recognize people often. To leave a mark for all time, you must leave a mark on people now.

Become indispensable.

This is a key component of leadership that is so often overlooked. To become indispensable, you must strive to master your field of expertise, pursue excellence, and exceed the standard in order to make truly unique and significant contributions. Becoming indispensable simply means being someone that would be extremely difficult to replace. Your absence would be painfully felt. Although your confidence may be misinterpreted and your intentions misunderstood, you must all the more give of yourself. You must also embrace emotional stability and work well with others. Your positive energy and joyful presence will greatly impact the atmosphere. An indispensable person selflessly commits to make a lasting difference in the lives of others. They realize it’s not about them, but that it always begins with them.

People-pleaser Woes

People-pleaser Woes

