All in Tony Sutherland


Often, men do a great job leading their teams, their ministry, their office, their staff, etc., but fail to lead their wives well. Our wives are looking to us to help guide them. We must give a more valiant effort to our marriages. Here are a few things to help you lead the number one relationship in your life. I’m still working on every one of these. Read More…

What Are You Building?

Periodically, I have to revisit my early days in ministry in order to hit the refresh button. I find great value in reflecting on my original convictions to ensure I’m leading for the right reasons. We must continually flesh out the genuine from the insincere. To examine our motives, we must regularly ask ourselves… What are we building? Read More…

Leading Judas

Every leader eventually experiences betrayal from someone who intentionally conspires behind the scenes to discredit them. They pretend to give public support, but all the while promoting private disunity and disloyalty. The story of Jesus’ passover with his disciples in John 13 teaches us how to lead these types of people. Read More…

The Numbers Game

Many leaders think the greatest attack against their ministries, teams, or organizations is when he takes things away from or hurls things at us. Actually, it’s neither. Satan’s greatest attack against us is to deceive us into thinking that our numbers (i.e. knowledge, experience, resources) are the reason for past victories or future successes. Read More…

True Vulnerability

Vulnerability simply means the ability to be vulnerable. This is not easy. Some have a naturally transparent disposition while others are guarded. They may feel painfully awkward or anxious about being exposed. They are true introverts who thrive in solitude. Yet, their need for privacy masks their fear. So, they keep their cards close to the chest. Read More…

Rules Of Engagement

It doesn’t take long as a leader to discover how challenging it can be to work with people. People are not projects. They have hearts. They are emotional to the core. People are the life-breath of leadership. Leaders don’t just manage people, they LEAD people. Thus, leaders must constantly develop their skills of genuine interaction. Read More…

What Leaders Are

It is nearly impossible to describe great leadership in few words. Too many important and neccesary qualities come to mind. What top traits define a leader? How do you acquire them? Who out there in the “who’s who” of leadership truly exemplifies them? Here is my valiant attempt at a brief summation for your consideration. Read More…

Hurry To Hear

Leadership is listening more and speaking less. In fact, much of a leader’s practice is to listen first. Will Rogers once said, “We should never miss a good chance to shut up.” We aren’t obligated to do all the talking. Essential to great leadership is regularly applying discretion and discipline in the art of intentional and focused listening. Read More…

P.U.S.H. Yourself

In my experience with consulting leaders, I’ve discovered that many feel they are too hard on themselves. They believe their expectations are unrealistic both of themselves and others. As a result, they experience constant, discouragement, disappointment, and discontent. The mental and emotional strain has taken its toll… Read More…

A Growth Mindset

Leadership is constant growth. You cannot escape it. You must simply accept it. If you’re not being stretched and challenged, you’re not growing. Growing is accompanied by frequent spurts of real pain and frustration. Therefore, your threshold of pain must be increased if you’re ever going to go the next level of leadership. Read More…