Transformational Leadership

There are two basic leadership platforms: character and skill. We must be committed to grow in both areas. If you want to prove yourself, you must improve yourself. Philospher and author, James Allen said, “Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound." Read More…

Leading From Acceptance

At one point or another, most leaders have craved acceptance in an inordinate manner. We want people to like us, accept us, and follow us. Unfortunately, this mindset drives many leaders in an unhealthy direction. I’ve heard it said, if you want to please everyone, be an ice cream salesman and not a leader. As we grow in our leadership Read More…

Unlimited Leadership

Our teams and organizations are not limited by surmounting challenges, lack of resources, or diminished opportunities. They are limited by their leaders. I want to be the one person in my various spheres of influence that promotes a mindset of unlimited leadership. There are always solutions, answers, and a better future. Read More…

Spots and Spaces

Recently, my campus pastor, Blake Hamon, shared something powerful with me about perspective. Look closely at the image above. Before you continue reading, take a moment and ask yourself what you see. You’re probably saying, “Duh, I see the spot.” Many see the spot in this image. Yet, there is so much more space than the spot. Read more…

Creating Followers

Leaders often try too hard to create followers. This never works. The best way to inspire people to follow your leadership is to live in such a way that they won't be able to resist you. A leader’s job is to genuinely love others and continually work hard to develop themselves. In this way, you will make yourself irresistible and indispensable. Read More…

Cycles of Leadership

Every leader should have a leadership cycle: a basic process or pattern to follow throughout the course of their life. I have regularly cycled through these five things all throughout the course of my life. I encourage you to identity, develop, and pursue an underlying process of your own. You should start now. Don’t lead on accident. Read More…

Effective T.A.S.K. Management

Many leaders waste time, energy, and resources on accomplishing unnecessary tasks because they don’t take time to strategize. There are few things to consider at the onset of a goal that will help you create and accomplish tasks with greater speed and efficiency. Here are four important applications for effective task management. Read More…

Missed Taken Leadership

At some point, all leaders lose their way. Sometimes it's, "Nailed it," and other times it's, "Failed it!" I want to encourage you. Failure is inevitable. If you step out to succeed, you WILL fail. Failure is a part of the journey. However, you don’t always have to make the same mistakes over and over. You can learn from them and grow. Read More…

Dealing With Uncertainty

Decision making is perhaps one of the most definitive aspects of leadership. It is certainly one of the most challenging. We’re expected to be unwaveringly decisive, while no one sees the battle of uncertainty that rages in our heart. People demand immediate answers to complex issues that have taken years to create. Read More…

Leadership Suffering

To be exemplary leaders, we must be tested. We don’t get a free pass. Every new level of leadership requires increasing our threshold of pain. No pain, no gain. New level, new devil. The higher we go, the harder it gets. With every advance, comes greater opposition. All gold standard leaders must be refined in the furnace. Read More…