Dealing With Uncertainty
"How long will you hesitate between two opinions?" (1 Kings 18:1 NASB)
Decision making is perhaps one of the most definitive aspects of leadership. It is certainly one of the most challenging. We’re expected to be unwaveringly decisive, while no one sees the battle of uncertainty that rages in our heart. People demand immediate answers to complex issues that have taken years to create.
We’ve been told that we should never make a decision out of stress or anxiety, but it's time for action. Duty calls. At some point, all the bullet points have been discussed, and someone has to pull the trigger. It’s do or die; sink or swim. We can no longer hold back the moment of inevitability.
I’ve advised numerous leaders over the years who were standing at the cliff’s edge peering out into the darkness. In fact, the decision-making process is where I spend most of my time coaching leaders these days. So, here are four simple thoughts as you consider making the J.U.M.P.
J = Juggle
U = Unction
M = Mission
P = Peace
Every leader juggles with uncertainty and decisions. You’ve compared the pros and cons and reviewed all the possible outcomes a thousand times. You’ve counted the cost, calculated the risks, consulted your advisors, conferred with friends and family, and still you’re not sure. Agonizing!
To be a good juggler, you have to focus on that one red ball. It’s the same in leadership. Often, we know what that “red ball” is (insert here __________). You know, that nagging possibility that keeps popping up in your thoughts and discussions. It’s a never-ending circus act in your brain.
Many times, when I was certain of God's will, the enemy presented a decoy (something comparable and even more attractive) to distract me from the obvious. Yet, at some point, the juggling must stop, because that “red ball” keeps coming back around. You know what you have to do.
An unction is an underlying intuition or feeling you have about someone or something. It's time to quit consulting everyone. You know what you have to do. You don’t need more boldness; you need more obedience. It's time to commit. No more discussions. No turning back.
No matter how long you’ve been juggling, that gnawing feeling in your gut isn’t going anywhere. It’s here to stay. You must settle it once and for all. It’s time to cast all caution to the wind and prepare to move. Resist giving into your misgivings. It’s an endless cycle of frustration.
Choose the uncertainty of what’s in front of you over the certainty of what’s behind you... MORE JUGGLING. You’ve analyzed for far too long. Don’t just face the challenge. TAKE the challenge. It’s time to make a move or you’ll just give yourself another silly reason not to do it.
Now that you know the bottom line, you can focus on the mission: processing the details of your next steps. This doesn't make navigating the specifics easier, but it does make things clearer. Clarity ≠ Simplicity. Once you resign to what's next, it will naturally propel you forward.
In this phase, your purpose will come into sharper focus. Don’t let fear lure you back to juggling. You’ve done that already, and it has gotten you nowhere. Focus forward. God won't always tell you exactly what to do, but trust me, He'll help you figure it out as you go (Isaiah 30:21).
Here, God has your full attention. Every fiber of your being will be on high alert. You won’t need an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning because your every thought (waking or sleeping) will be set on where He is leading you, and I assure you, it won’t be back to juggling.
Many leaders pray for peace before taking the big leap, but true peace comes only through full obedience. Peace isn't the absence of fear. True peace is having the presence of God in the midst of fear. You can expect some dangers, detours, and delays, but God promises to be with you.
Leader: the time for waiting on God is over. God is actually waiting on YOU. No decision of any value is pain proof. The pain of indecision is far more costly than the pain of obedience. Obeying God requires a leap of faith. If God revealed every detail, it wouldn’t require trusting Him.
As you look out into the unknown, don’t ignore that pain in your gut; pay attention to it. It’s telling you something. Once you've made your decision, own it. If you run into difficulties, and you will, God will give you grace when you get there. Just GO! The future beckons. Jump already!
[Cue Van Halen synthesizer riff here]