All tagged Trust

Bipolar Leadership

I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t over-promised, under-delivered, or had isolated moments of inconsistency at some point their leadership. All leaders experience this from time to time. However, if we develop a regular pattern of in-congruency, there will be a steady decline in trust, inevitably leading to a disconnect with people. Read more…

Sphere of Trust

As leaders, we are often trusting to a fault. We have big hearts and believe the best in people. We long to help them discover their own leadership gifts and callings. Yet, sometimes we are too quick to trust and release the wrong people into leadership. Some will use our sincerity for their agenda. Read More…

The Team Counts

Loyalty is a rare quality in leadership circles. Leaders will say how grateful they are for their teams, but when the stakes are high, and the world is watching, they don’t truly count on their own people. Instead they’ll bring in the “big guns,” the celebrities, and the superstars for the “main event.” Read More…