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Spots and Spaces

Spots and Spaces

Recently, my campus pastor, Blake Hamon, shared something powerful with me about perspective.

Look closely at the image above. Before you continue reading, take a moment and ask yourself what you see.

You’re probably saying, “Duh, I see the spot.”

Many see the spot in this image. Yet, there is so much more space than the spot.

Unfortunately, many leaders only see the negative in their predicaments and the tiny fault in others. Even worse, we focus on it and magnify it.

However, we have the opportunity to see the good in our situations and believe the best in others.

One prayer I regularly pray is… “Lord, help me see the good in this room and everyone in it.”

If we keep looking for all the positives in those we lead and fill in the spaces with prayer and faith, pretty soon we won't even be able to see that one little spot.

Negative things only seem bigger when we focus on and magnify them. Instead, let’s choose praise, faith, positivity, and a Christlike attitude.

“Dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:8 NLT)

Unlimited Leadership

Unlimited Leadership

Creating Followers

Creating Followers