Minus God's Word
The authority of scripture is ancient and timeless. It provides us with eternal wisdom to lean on. The power of the Word of God works on its own. We don’t have to be old and wise to possess the eternal knowledge of God. His Word is light in the darkness. It stands the test of time and helps us stand in the time of test.
Leaders lose their sense of direction and grounding when they neglect the Word of God. Often, significant challenges will present themselves in leadership. Thus, the equation of leadership should never minus God’s Word. When we prioritize the scriptures, answers come. We need God’s Word DAILY! (Matthew 6:11)
God’s wants to unveil solutions to the dilemmas we are facing. He wants to speak to us, guide us, encourage us, comfort us, warn us, advise us, and build us. Our creativity, proficiency, and productivity flow from living in the pages of God’s word. It contains creative power to bring things into order (Hebrews 11:3).
There will be seasons when leaders won’t hear God’s audible voice. However, leaders can always READ God’s voice. God’s Word is His voice. The Word of God gives us insight that we cannot get from any human or secular sources. It prevents us from slipping and tripping in our leadership walk (Psalms 119:11).