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Abrasive Isn't Persuasive

Abrasive Isn't Persuasive

Tone is everything in a leader’s demeanor. A simple adjustment in our approach sets the atmosphere and prepares people’s hearts to follow or flee. Proverbs 15:1,8 tells us that a gentle response helps to calm confrontation, diffuse anger, resolve conflict, and establish authority.

When a leader carries himself graciously and steadily, not only in the manner of his voice but also in his attitude and outlook, he can initially align his team with reduced strain and stress. A soft approach doesn’t reflect timidity; it demonstrates strength and builds genuine trust.

A leader’s relaxed composure reflects confidence. Isaiah 30:15 says,“In quietness and confidence is your strength.” A calm and collected nature persuades people to lean in. It fosters an ongoing curiosity and makes them wonder, “What’s he up to… What’s he thinking… What’s next?”

Cutting Corners

Cutting Corners

Holding Others Back

Holding Others Back