All tagged Excellence

Creating Followers

Leaders often try too hard to create followers. This never works. The best way to inspire people to follow your leadership is to live in such a way that they won't be able to resist you. A leader’s job is to genuinely love others and continually work hard to develop themselves. In this way, you will make yourself irresistible and indispensable. Read More…

Details Count

Details really do matter. We can’t afford to avoid necessary scrutinization. Looking back, whenever I failed to check the fine print, create clear guidelines, document certain meetings, organize files, fully read emails, mark my calendar, return phone calls, or slow down and review my work, subsequently, things didn’t turn out so well. Read More…

Cutting Corners

Attention to detail is critical in leadership. Yet, most people don’t really want to do the difficult and tedious work that makes a final product the best it can be. They do not value excellence behind the scenes. As a result, important details are skipped over. Instead of a job well done, they just want to get the job done. Read More…